The Program
The Gregory House program welcomes leaders of all levels to discern and prepare for vocational ministry through a Residency.
Residencies are immersive experiences that combine an on-the-ground role on a diocesan church staff with regular seminars and mentorship by senior leaders and mature spiritual parents.
Opportunities range from part-time positions to multi-year residencies designed to prepare leaders to plant a church in our Anglican diocese.

Residencies include the same core elements:
Ministry Experience
Get real, hands-on experience behind the scenes in the worship, discipleship, and mission of an Anglican church.
Receive extensive Bible, theology, and leadership training in regular seminars, connect with regional leaders at retreats.
Meet regularly with a spiritual mother or father who will disciple you and help you discern your ministry calling.
We offer two types of residencies:
Discern your call to vocational ministry with a one to two year residency designed to deepen pastoral experience. Ministry Residencies may be full-or part-time.
- B.A. Required
- Previous ministry involvement (volunteer involvement acceptable)
- Focus in ministry area (children, worship, etc.)
- Full participation in Gregory House seminars, retreats, and trainings
- Mentored by spiritual mother or father
Train to either plant an Anglican Church or step into a senior leadership role. These multi-year residencies are limited to those committed to serving in the Upper Midwest Diocese long-term.
- B.A. required (For those seeking church-plant rectorship and/or ordination, more theological study may be required)
- 3-5 years previous ministry involvement
- Confirmed as an Anglican, or willing to be
- Full participation in Gregory House seminars, retreats, and trainings
- Mentored by spiritual mother or father
- Fundraising required
Program FAQ
There are two main types of residencies: Ministry Residencies, which may be one year or multi-year and Church Planting Residencies, which are always multi-year.
The host church supplies a portion of each resident’s compensation. Fundraising is often part of preparing to go into ministry, and we consider this component essential to your training. Fundraising requirements for each resident vary.
Residencies take place at churches throughout the Upper Midwest diocese. For a list of churches currently offering residency, visit our apply page.
Ministry Residencies are a minimum of one year, with options to return for a second year. Church Planting Residencies vary, but on average, a minimum of two years are spent in the resident church, with the third year of residency taking place in the field.
Some of our graduates didn’t live here, either! As you proceed in your application process, we will work together to determine the best location for your residency. Right now, we have training hubs in Wheaton, IL (Church of the Resurrection) or Hopkins, MN (Church of the Cross). Residencies may be based at sister churches in each hub’s surrounding metro area. Should you be accepted to a residency, we will assist you in finding housing in the area as you prepare to move.
Church Planting Residents are required to become confirmed Anglicans, while Ministry Residents are not. Confirmation is a process that may involve additional classes at your host church.
Thinking about applying?2>
Check out our application page.